Thursday, August 2, 2007

Oh these girls

Yesterday, my sweet little pumpkin was playing with her friend Arush . They both were having fun. Sometimes they would shout or snatch things from one another but that just lasted for few sec and they would be fine again. So, all was well. Good. Suddenly Arush is mad and goes inside his home in huff and puff. His mom tries to cajole him and me looking at my dear sweetie wondering what went wrong. That's when Arush gave us the clarification

" She did not allow me to complete my sentence.. She just kept talking like a parrot! "

Welcome to the world of girls, son :)


Hip Grandma said...

Pat arush from me.Take it in your stide son.God made us different!!

Archana Bahuguna said...

Oh my God! This is hilarious Jaya! :-)

Archana Bahuguna said...

And btw Time for feminism to take its true shape! Long live the Girls! ;-)

Jaya said...

HG: I know. he is 5 yrs old and has already experienced the truth :)

Arc: Me and Anjali (Arush's mom) couldn't stop laughing. Even now I smile when I think about it. :)

Prats said...

That was so cute- " which color" Couldn't stop laughing....
reminds me of my kids...
But if it weren't for these, we would have such a dreary old age...nothing to make us smile.