Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Environmently Friendly

Yesterday, on our way back home, sweet little pumpkin was telling me how her day went. They did some craft work in which all of them required sheets of paper. Her friend, X had to take the paper first and then it was her turn. She said "Mamma, you know X took 4 sheets of paper. I told her to make paper, we need to cut trees. So, we should not waste them. I asked her to keep some back but she did not listen." Curious, I asked how much sheets she took to which she replies "I took less, just three."


Archana Bahuguna said...

Oh! I think I need to hide my huge pile of printed (and never-read) papers from your environmentally friendly little one :-). I only started to think about the environment in a small way when I was 16-17 yrs old. :-) And how I did that (again in my very small way) was to stop using fire-crackers on Diwali ... he he.

--xh-- said...

ha ha ha.. a very smart l'll pumpkin :)

Priya said...

Cute indeed. Thank you for visiting my blog.

~nm said...

Hahaha..so innocent ..so very sweet!

aMus said...

that's one eco-friendly pumpkin indeed!!!

just 3? heh..heh...

Monika said...

cho chweet

Bimla Kalauny said...

Smart little pumpkin indeed :-). How old is she?

Kavitha said...

Well 3 is obviously better than 4 isn't it??

Feels happy to see our kids growing environment aware. I only wish we could give them a better environ than this...free of pollution and all.

Sairekha said...

Awww! That is one sweet kid!:)

Prats said...

She has started early and how!
3 is a lesser number. She's such a cute little kid