Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lunch, Lunch in the box, which is the yummiest of you all

Unless I give one or two of her favorites as lunch, sweet little pumpkin always gets back food half(little) eaten. Yesterday, I got little upset and asked her why can't she finish off the lunch. She answered why does the school always have lunch time when she is not hungry?


Monika said...

valid question isnt it :)

aMus said...

mummy dear...exactly!!!

she is such a darling...:D

Sairekha said...

i totally agree! these adults just dont gettit, no?:)

~nm said...

Hahah! quite a logical question isn't it? :D

Preethi said...

lol.. sounds like my Cheeky.. coming here to comment after a while.. but I keep reading on my reader!! :)

Sumana said...

Ahh J, things are no different here except that it is totally untouched. Clever girl, the favourite food goes in at the same lunch time.

Solitaire said...

Awww.. Kids have the greatest answers!

Sayani said...

too reasonable i think :)
an intelligent one