Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The first species to walk on earth

While reading a book on dinosaur to sweet little pumpkin, I told her that these were one of the first species to walk on earth, millions of years ago. She replied -"No mamma, it must be nurses. Who took care of baby dinosaurs?".


--xh-- said...

wow, that was a cute and smart answer :-D

~nm said...

hahah! What an answer!! You mommy dear, you just don't know anything :P

aMus said...

would have loved to see ure fac ethen..so what did you tell her...nurse dinos?!!!

Sairekha said...

hahahha... that was sooo cute! :)

Archana Bahuguna said...

Her imagination is brilliant.

Solitaire said...

How cute!

V said...

does this space ever stop being cute!:).....
blogrolled u!

Prats said...

So cute!! and such innocence!!

Monika said...

that was so sweet......