Thursday, April 17, 2008

Now What's that?

Curious little monkey got hurt and I needed to change his dressing every now and then. Sweet littke pumpkin was curious about "dressing" and insisted me to show her what color it is. I was surprised and showed her the dressing. When she realised that it was only a bandange and all I am doing is changing the bandage to keep the area clean, she exclaims "When you said I need to change his dressing, I thought you meant you are going to change his complete dress and put him a colorful new one!"


--xh-- said...

:-D whn i was a kid, i also thought 'dressing' teh wound is some colorful affair...

aMus said...

what a sweetie pie...

how's lil monkey now?

Kavitha said...

Oh...what happened? Wish him a speedy recovery...

Archana Bahuguna said...

So innocent and funny :-) keep writing these ...

Jaya said...

XH: It does sound fancy :)

Suma: Getting better.

Kavitha: He is fine now. Thanks

Arc: It's hilarious to hear their perception of things.

AMIT said...

Nice shared post.

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