Friday, December 7, 2007

New nominations for N

Last evening, I asked Sweet Little pumpkin what would she like to take for her Show and Tell for letter "N" and she responded "N..N..Na.. Na.. Nothing".

Today morning, while fastening her car seat belts, I noticed she had a post-it with something written on . I asked her what was it, to which she replied "For N, I am taking my Name"


Vasanthan said...

You might not have noticed but this is a sign of a left brain oriented child. your child is gifted, she is naturally creative. And she likes to think out of the box. encourage her to be creative and let her build on her talents.

aMus said...

hey!!that's very creative of her...hopefully this does not get stifled with the demands of society...

smart, sweet lil pumpkin...kisses and hugs to you :)

Tys on Ice said...

iam totally impressed with pumpkin...i was all into Nothing and then she comes up with Name...brilliant!

Prats said...

As a momther, i'm sure I would never have thought of that ....A Name simple but so bang!!!

V said...

always a treat!:)

Sairekha said...

Fantastic thinking!:) I love that child of yours... :)

pat yourself on the back joy.. guess you have truly passed on your creative gene... pssst.. I'm wondering what the curious monkey has in store for us?:)

Meira said...

Smart :)
I liked your writing . Mind if I blogroll you? Would love to visit again.

V said...

Happy new year!!:)...
havent seen any updates here in a while!!...kiddos antics calmed down or they keeping u way too busy to post?:)

Preethi said...

Very creative... how old is she??